Buoys and boats on the ice


Last updated ice chart and buoy positions Animation of ice cover and buoy tracks after September 2020.
Click on the map to run the  movie.


Here you find, to the left,  the newest picture of sea ice and the deployed buoys. Red and blue: Buoys deployed in September 2020. Yellow + green: Deployment November 2020; cyan: Deployment in August 2021 at the North Pole.Tto the right is an animation of the situation up to today (click on the chart and the movie will run).

Find out more

Here you find an interactive map of the buoy tracks where you can zoom in on your buoy, read its position etc.

Hover the mouse over a track, and you will read the position and time





The underlying data and graphics have been prepared by Espen Storheim through the CAATEX project

CAATEX project